Wednesday, August 28, 2013

They call me Vicar

So, here I am.  It's my third year in seminary, and it's my internship year.  I'm serving as "vicar" at St. John's Lutheran Church Bliedorn in Grand Mound, IA.  I have been here 5 weeks, and it has been a joy and privilege to serve this congregation.

I find myself often reflecting on what I am doing here.  Why did I say that?  What am I doing?  How could I change that next time?  How will this help me become a better pastor?  Yet, the question that I realized was not bouncing around in my head these days was "What is God calling me to do?"  I have been so concerned about doing "the right thing" - visiting enough people, attending enough text studies, writing good sermons, and much more - that I haven't slowed down enough to see where God is calling me.

I wonder how my ministry might look if I choose to let go, and seek God's guidance.  This internship year or the many years of ministry to come are not about me, but they are about my learning to following God's calling, and serve God's mission in this world.  It's not about me - whether I am doing the right or wrong things - but it's about God.

So, I hope to continue to write my ponderings this year as I travel through this year of discovery, and hopefully, through my reflection, I will hear the voice of God reminding me that I am infinitely loved and called to participate in God's mission in this world.