Thursday, January 27, 2011

Well, Here I Am

So, I've done it.  I've decided to start a blog for my random thoughts.  I seem to have lots of them lately.  Like today, I have been thinking about how we view people who are in need of help.  It's almost as if in our society that you have to prove your moral worthiness before you can get help.  Homeless people, people on welfare, struggling people are all looked down upon because it is assumed that they are lazy, drug addicts, and want to take advantage of the system.  Don't get me wrong.  There are people out there that fall into those categories, but what about the people who are hard-working people who just can't seem to catch a break? 

I don't know why this topic has been bouncing about in my brain today so much.  Maybe it's the posts that I have seen on facebook or maybe it's because my family will probably will be in need of aid starting this summer.  I'm heading to seminary, and we will be down to one income if we are lucky.  There is a chance that we won't have an income at all other than financial aid.  We've talked to many families at the seminary who are on food stamps and Medicaid.  Let me tell you that I am certainly thankful for those programs, but I wonder if my family and I will be looked upon differently by people who don't know us.  If people, by some chance, see me using my benefits at the store or at the doctor, will they assume that I am lazy or maybe even a drug addict? 

Jesus calls us to help the poor, right?  Where does it say in scripture that we get to judge the poor while we are helping them or even not help them because of our assumptions? 

Just my thoughts and ponderings for the day.

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